Jikishin Ju Jitsu Association Banner


Minimum Grading Times
Brown - 1st Dan
12 months
1st Dan - 2nd Dan 2 years
2nd Dan - 3rd Dan 3 years
3rd Dan - 4th Dan 4 years
To 5th Dan and above
By invitation only
Minimum 1 year per Grade attained

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Japanese Names For Dan Grades & Belts
1st Dan - Shodan 1st Dan Belt
2nd Dan - Nidan 2nd  Dan Belt
3rd Dan - Sandan 3rd  Dan Belt
4th Dan - Yondan 4th  Dan Belt
5th Dan - Godan 5th  Dan Belt
6th Dan - Rokudan 6th  Dan Belt
7th Dan - Sichidan 7th  Dan Belt
8th Dan - Hachidan 8th  Dan Belt
9th Dan - Kudan 9th  Dan Belt
10th Dan - Judan 10th  Dan Belt


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The following apply to Junior Dan Grades under the UKMAGB rules:

Junior Grade Minimum Age
Junior Black Belt 12 years
Senior Black Belt 16 years.
2nd Dan 18 yr.
There is no Dan Grade above 1st for Juniors


Jikishin Ju Jitsu Association LogoJikishin Ju Jitsu Syllabus
Black Belts

After completing the Kyu (Coloured) Belt System to Brown Belt, the dedicated student must now commence training on the most difficult of paths, the Black Belt or Dan Grade.

In order to qualify for First Dan (Shodan) Black Belt the student must overcome a number of challenges:

1.The student must have completed a minimum of one years training at Brown Belt (minimum of 3 years total), and must have attended their Club for training at least 48 times since their last Grading.

2. Each practitioner must pass a Level 5 Weapons Kata Assessment, on the basic 5 weapons in the Jikishin Ju Jitsu Style (Nun Chaku, Sai, Bo, Tonfa, and Katana).

3. The student must revise and study the Jikishin Ju Jitsu Association Kyu (Coloured Belt) Grade work completed so far. The student will have to successfully pass an examination (Pre-Grading) showing that he or she has learned and mastered all of the Kyu Grade (Coloured Belt) techniques.

4. The Student must pass an Anatomy Examination ? this is a written test with both multiple choice and open questions.

5. The student must obtain a recommendation from their club sensei, which will include how the student helps in training others and with club matters, and will also include a cv detailing the student's achievements in Ju Jitsu.

Finally: The student must complete the Shodan Black Belt Syllabus, in an examination by senior members of the Jikishin Ju Jitsu Association, and overseen by a UKMAGB Grading Officer.

For all subsequent grades of Black Belt, a similar regime is in place. In all cases the student must pass further Grades in Weapons, Anatomy, and minimum time periods between the grades are in place for each grade (see sidebar). In addition the Black Belt must show that they have contributed something to both the club at which he/she trains and the Association during the period since their last grading. A Dan Grade Certificate is issued on successfully completing the grading, and their name is added to the Roster of Dan Grades held by the UKMAGB.

We believe that the Black Belt should be challenging both mentally and physically, should promote loyalty to both club and association, and equip the Black Belt for the responsibilities that the grade requires.

5 Black Belts Pass GradingThe minimum study time for a Second Dan is 2 years, Third Dan is 3 years and Fourth Dan is 4 years, and so on (see sidebar).

Up to Fourth Dan, the student will indicate to their Sensei (Instructor) that they have completed the requirements for the next Dan grading, and may request that they may be allowed to be graded at the next opportunity. Alternatively, their sensei may suggest to the Black Belt that their level of competence suggests that they should consider grading.

To improve from Fourth Dan to Fifth Dan, Grading is by invitation of the head of the Association, and subsequent Gradings beyond Fifth Dan are also, by invitation only.
Dan Gradings are held twice a year, and are attended by senior Jikishin Instructors and a representative from UKMAGB - the sport Governing Body.

Five Black Belts Receive their Certificates.
Steve Thomas, Jamie Taylor, Tess Godfrey,
Will Murley & Lorna Crump.

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